And save yourself a headache
There’s no short answer to the question “Where do you keep your data?” These days, business data is scattered across multiple platforms and devices, from servers to virtual machines, personal computers, and cloud applications like G Suite or Office 365.
For IT and data managers, this presents several conundrums.
To ensure that your data is secure, every device and platform needs to be backed up. However, since all those different platforms might be compatible with specific backup solutions, you might be forced to integrate multiple products from separate vendors, which leads to greater complexity – surveying each one’s limitations, learning how to use their products, and contacting different teams for technical support.
To make things even more complicated, many backup solutions that are currently available force you to purchase software from one provider and storage from another. That means you’ll end up paying for hardware costs and software license fees, which pile up quickly when dealing with an office environment.
Centralized data backup with Synology
Fortunately, you don’t need to live with this nightmare. These days there are centralized backup solutions that allow your data to be backed up to one place. For example, Synology offers backup software – Active Backup Suite – for free with their NAS products.
In addition to the peace of mind backing up your data to one central location, there are several other benefits to Synology’s Active Backup solution:
Centralized management
With the Active Backup Suite, you can back up hundreds of computers, servers, or virtual machines all from one server. This not only frees time and resources but also saves you the effort of setting up devices one by one, allowing you to focus on more important tasks. You can also access data from hundreds of devices from one simple console.
Global deduplication
It’s quite common for the same data to be saved across multiple devices and platforms. When backing up dozens of devices, this redundant data consumes additional storage capacity. With Synology Active Backup’s built-in global deduplication technology, only one version of any repeated data is recorded, saving storage capacity and reducing resource consumption. How much? Results will vary, but, Synology’s customer Shiseido successfully reduced storage consumption by more than 50 percent, from 58TB to 28TB.
Flexible restore options
When it comes to your business’ data, you want to prepare for the unexpected. Having a backup system in place eliminates the chance that your data will be gone for good in the event of a disaster. But what about the time it takes to restore data after disaster strikes? To ensure business continuity, Synology Active Backup restores VMs in a flash with options to spin up the machine immediately without waiting for data to be copied back to a host. When there are problems with a personal computer or cloud service like Office 365, individual employees can also restore personal emails and other files without needing to bother IT, administrators.
Do more with your backups
In addition to obtaining peace of mind, Synology allows you to accomplish more and work smarter. With the ability to back up entire devices or virtual machines and power them up using Synology’s own Virtual Machine Manager, you can perform sandbox testing or evaluate new software upgrades before deploying them in a critical production environment.
Own your data
Perhaps the greatest benefit to centralized data backup is the ability to own your backup, giving you maximum access and control of your data. This ownership not only brings you greater security but also the ability to be more nimble and use your data to find answers to your business’ most pressing challenges.
Why wait? Be proactive and own your data by learning more about Synology’s Active Backup Suite today. For more information, visit our contact page.
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