When you host or take part in meetings virtually, you require a powerful video conference system or software to see and hear all the participants. Online meetings provide experiences that are much better than in-person meetings in office space. So, video conference systems have become the most important virtual communication tool.
A crucial factor is to ensure you have the best video conferencing features.
This is a feature that allows you to share your screen with other participants. It is especially useful because it allows you to share what you are doing on your computer and help others understand what they should do in the same way.
This feature can be used in several ways, such as showing an online tutorial, giving instructions on how to complete a task or presenting the latest information that will benefit from being displayed though the video conferencing application.
User Management
This is a process of creating and managing user accounts, groups and permissions.
This is important for security, compliance and access control. With proper user management, one can ensure that only authorized users have access to the conference room solution. User Management is also important for controlling user access to functions in the video conference system such as recording or video conferences etc.
Mobile Support
A video conference system must have robust mobile support. It is simple that the application should work on all the major operating systems including browsers. It should also support different screen sizes, resolutions, codecs etc. The user interface should be perfected for touch-screen devices.
Secure Server
A secure server is used to protect access from unauthorized sources. It keeps your data safe from hackers. There are many ways to provide this level of protection.
Encryption: This uses algorithms to convert information into code, which can only be decoded with a special key or password by authorized people.
Firewalls: A firewall isolates a computer system and its users from other systems that may be untrusted. Firewalls inspect traffic on the network and will block any communications that don’t meet predefined security criteria. For example, those coming in over an unsecured connection or containing malicious code such as viruses or worms.
They also monitor traffic flowing between internal networks and block suspicious activity between them as well as between external networks like the Internet and organization’s network.
Authentication: Authentication means confirming whether someone is who they say they are by checking their credentials against some sort of database. E-mail address verification is a simple example. This provides added security because it limits access based on identity rather than location. Hackers could have hacked into another person’s account but still would not gain access if their own credentials were not corrected.
Data Encryption
Data encryption is a process of converting information into a specific form that can only be read by the intended recipient. It is used to protect data from being intercepted by third parties and to prevent it from being altered by third parties.
Applications such as HTTPS, secure email, digital signatures, cloud computing etc uses Encryption algorithms.
Recording and Playback
This feature will help to record the video call, in case there are any disputes. This feature can be used for training purposes, compliance purposes, quality assurance and legal purposes.
One can record individual video call or all video calls at once.
Integration with Third-party Apps
Integration with third-party apps is necessary. To be successful, a video conference solution should offer the ability to integrate with other applications in the organization. This will allow for collaboration across teams and departments, allowing you to easily share files, notes and more from within the system itself or directly from your desktop.
Active Speaker View
One of the must-have features of a video conference solution is the active speaker view. This feature shows who is speaking during the meeting and it can be easily identified by a green dot in front of their name.
The moderator of the video conference can change who is speaking at any time. Now software developers have found ways to automate this feature so that an active moderator is not needed.
Switching Between Speakers
This feature allows users to switch between speakers. This is important because it helps to see who is speaking, whether they are muted or not, what active participants are in the video conference and which ones are not active. It also gives an effortless way to mute a speaker if you want to focus on other people’s contributions.
Live Streaming
Live streaming is a terrific way to share presentations and thoughts with the audience. This can be used to share an idea or a product launch. Live streaming is available on many video conference solutions. The important thing when it comes to live streaming is making sure that the visual quality of the stream is excellent so that viewers don’t get distracted by poor video quality while watching their content.
It’s worth to ensure to have all the right video conferencing features for the business. Modern features make it possible to hold effective meetings from anywhere in the world, at any time.
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